Hi, I'm Bonito

  • Male
  • 01/05/2021
  • $200 AUD. $100 Seniors Card discount offered. Other variations may apply.
This greyhound can live with another canine friend.
This greyhound would prefer your companionship most of the time.
We believe this greyhound could cope without human company for up to three hours.
We believe this greyhound would suit a home where the children were 13 years and above.

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Lovely Bonito is a very playful and active dog who is an absolute character! Bonito is go, go, go and just wants to play, 24/7. This friendly goofball is all arms and legs and would suit a family with kids 14 years and over that are dog savvy. Bonito would also thrive with the company of a medium to large size canine companion. This companionship will help extend Bonitos’ alone time, as he currently is a little unsure if he is left on his own without his people, for more than three hours. If he’s not playing with his toys, Bonito would enjoy a daily 20 minute walk around the neighbourhood, where he’s sure to become an instant hit with friends and family.

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