Hi, I'm Brockie

  • Male
  • 09/12/2020
  • $200 AUD. $100 Seniors Card discount offered. Other variations may apply.
This greyhound can live with another canine friend.
This greyhound would prefer your companionship most of the time.
This greyhound could be the only dog in the home.
We believe this greyhound could cope without human company for up to six hours.
We believe this greyhound would be suited to live with children of eight years and older.

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Brilliant Brockie can’t wait to land his feet in his new home! This handsome guy’s friendly and social nature will quickly win the hearts of his new family which could include children from nine years old. Not one to discriminate, Brockie could also live alongside small or tall dogs. Having a canine companion to spend his time with would mean Brockie could manage a full working day without his people, otherwise Brockie could manage up to six hours alone. Brockie and his active, playful nature would enjoy one or two 20-minute walks per day.

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