Hi, I'm Frankfurt

  • Male
  • 16/04/2020
  • $200 AUD. $100 Seniors Card discount offered. Other variations may apply.
This greyhound can live with another canine friend.
This greyhound would prefer your companionship most of the time.
This greyhound could be the only dog in the home.
We believe this greyhound could cope without human company for up to three hours.

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What a treat Frankfurt is! Frankfurt is just so much fun to be around with his playful nature. Frankfurt knows heโ€™s a bit of a snack ๐Ÿ˜‰ and pays it up with a cheeky, affectionate attitude. Frankfurt could be a great companion for a small or larger resident dog. Frankfurt could be without his people for up to three hours, or with a canine companion this time could be extended. To ensure Frankfurt is set up for success, he has been working on his crate training, which will need to be continued in his forever home. Frankfurt loves playing with his toys and would enjoy daily 20-minute walks around the neighbourhood. Are you ready to savour Frankfurt with your friends and family?

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