Hi, I'm Noah

  • Male
  • 27/12/2022
  • $200 AUD. $100 Seniors Card discount offered. Other variations may apply.
This greyhound can live with another canine friend.
This greyhound would prefer your companionship most of the time.
This greyhound could be the only dog in the home.
We believe this greyhound could cope without human company for up to three hours.
We believe this greyhound would be suited to live with children of eight years and older.

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Noah is a fun, playful, happy-go-lucky hound that loves nothing more than having fun with his humans (especially if they have a ball). He may be a little shy at first, but with love and play he quickly blossoms into his silly self. Noah would be thrilled to join a large canine that matched his playful attitude to life. Noah has been assessed as unable to go to a home with cats. Noah sometimes forgets his enthusiasm might be a bit much for little humans, so all residents in the home should be nine years old or older. Noah could occupy himself at home with a toy or chew for up to three hours, and this time could be extended with canine company. When you return home, Noah is sure to greet you with big wiggles and helicopter tail! Noah believes in the perfect balance of play and relaxation. He is content with one or two 20 minute walks a day and a play with his favourite humans before collapsing into his dog bed to snooze the rest of the day away.

If you’re looking for a happy, goofy, people loving hound, Noah might be the perfect for you!

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