Hi, I'm Tudor

  • Female
  • 06/01/2022
  • $200 AUD. $100 Seniors Card discount offered. Other variations may apply.
This greyhound can live with another canine friend.
This greyhound could be the only dog in the home.
We believe this greyhound could cope without human company for up to six hours.
We believe this greyhound would be suited to live with children of eight years and older.

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Miss Tudor is ready to find her very own furever castle and devout royal court. Although Tudor can be a bit nervous at first when it comes to new people and new surroundings, this lady will undoubtedly let her playful and cheeky nature bloom once she settles into her new kingdom. Tudor would benefit greatly from a confident fellow greyhound in the home to show her the ropes of pet life. Tudor has been assessed as unable to go to a home with cats. Tudor’s ideal home would have all humans be nine years old or older as she is not fond of grabby hands or rambunctious young tots. She is an elegant lady that likes soft pats and scritches. Tudor can happily reign over her castle for up to six hours alone. This time would increase with a canine buddy by her side. Tudor would love to go on one or two short daily walks through the palace gardens (aka the neighbourhood footpaths) by your side.

Do you think you could help Tudor come out of her shell and blossom into a playful, confident queen of her castle?

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